Find the sweet spot between flexibility, stability, and predictability in creating a productive workforce!

Transition from boring spreadsheets to creating a seamless experience for your workforce.

Track. Monitor. View.

Update data and much more with our end-to-end attendance management system.

Ease of Time and Attendance

Get access to our cloud-based attendance tracking system with seamless device integration. Control, monitor, view, and update multiple data points on a single screen. Track attendance through biometrics and mobile devices using geo tagging and geo fencing options.

Flexible Shift Planning

Create Shift Rosters according to your organisation’s needs. Set Weekend Policies. Create off-configurations, overtime policies, on-duty policies and more.

Seamless Payroll Integration

Attendance data syncs with the payroll module in real-time to process payroll on time. With our attendance management module, automate arrears payment as per policies without any manual intervention.

Custom Reports

Use our list of 100+ standard and custom reports to stay on top of attendance data of your employees.

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Shift Scheduling

Configure and automate shift rosters as per your organisational needs.

Bio-Metric Integration

Real time integration with 100+ Biometric manufactures enables seamless attendance data integration.

Geo-Tagging and Geo-Fencing

Configure geo tagging and geo fencing for mobile punch-ins and enable attendance tracking.

Automated Reports

Stay on top of attendance data with 100+ standard and customised reports giving you a transparent view of your workforce productivity.

Overtime & Shift Allowances

Configure Overtime and Shift Allowance policies for Automated Calculation for Payroll Processing

Instant Notifications

Send automated, real-time notifications for any policy violations.

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