Inculcate a culture of appreciation with Akrivia Rewards & Recognition module.

Celebrate and recognize contributions at all stages
to build a stronger, cohesive team.

Set and track goals, review performance, and create an all-star team!

All while inspiring your employees to be their best selves with our performance management module.

Drive performance all across your company

Our Performance Management module helps you define goals and turn them into actionable tasks, monitors progress, inspires your workforce, drives employee performance, and engages the team in return.

Bring culture to the workplace.

With our 360-degree feedback system, get more innovative insights into the health of your organization and simplify how you manage performance to attract and retain top talent. From day one, use an integrated dashboard to assess your workforce’s effectiveness and identify potential bottlenecks before they affect productivity. This allows you to develop your people and build a great work culture simultaneously.

Nurture an agile culture through leadership with a digital mindset

Performance Management delivers accurate and insightful feedback that will help you develop the right skill set to create future leaders and contribute to their career development in turn.

One-on-One meetings to Boost Individual Performance

Performance Management provides an intuitive, flexible, and easy-to-use module that encourages frequent check-ins to discuss performance and career development. Employees can also set goals for their professional development, engagement and view progress on those goals.

Ready to talk? Schedule a personalized 1:1


Goal Setting

Comprehensive goal management system creates a transparent system for employees to achieve their professional objectives while aligning them with organisational objectives.


An intuitive and transparent appraisal process for employees to be assessed on various qualitative and quantitative methods


With our multi-directional alignments, individuals get to see the impact they are making and contribute to organizational goals.

Identify High Potential

Our product helps identify the star employees who stand out with their noteworthy potential, adaptability, intelligence, and management skills.

360 Feedback

Quickly identify the skill and capability gap while identifying personal and professional traits as perceived by other stakeholders.

Succession Planning

Spot the next generation of leaders who can lead the business when key members move on to new opportunities or retire.

Career Development Plan

Employees get to work on their future goals in a structured way by identifying the skill gaps.

Performance Improvement Plan

Build a targeted goal plan to enhance the performance of the employees and assign a reskilling programme by integrating with our L&D platform.

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