A welcome place to help you field all the questions your employees have.

Get a unified solution that puts answers at your employees’ fingertips, allowing them to find the help they need.

A complete HR Help Desk dashboard for employees.

Intuitive Categorisation

  • Create Categories and Sub-Categories for every department.
  • Select Categories, Sub-Categories, and Ticket Priority.
  • Make it simple for employees to create tickets and track progress by using straightforward ticket categories.

SLA-Driven Employee Support

  • From defining the desired SLA to carefully tracking it, provide your employees with quality customer support.
  • Keep all tickets on track and never drop the ball with Service Level Agreement response and resolution times.

Customize, Measure, and Track your Help Desk

  • Our help desk gives you the ability to define the workflow, categories, and unique features that reflect your organization.
  • Use our surveys to measure employee satisfaction, efficiency, and the resolution times of your service level agreements.
  • Allow employees to rate the quality of a resolution, provide satisfaction scores, and track it over time.

Reprioritize Tickets and Notify People

Reprioritize tickets and notify people
  • Make sure the essential tickets get solved first.
  • Ensure that all stakeholders are notified of your progress towards a resolution and receive notifications when a ticket’s status is updated to one that indicates risk.

Ready to talk? Schedule a personalized 1:1


Custom SLA Calculations

The product helps you calculate and evaluate the business rules in the world of HR. It helps in simple resolution and provides precise results.

Canned Responses

We provide canned responses for all the queries arising while giving technical assistance just at a single click.

Knowledge base

We have a rich database providing deep insights. The knowledge base helps in supporting teams and moving towards an upward trajectory.

Auto Escalation of Tickets

The issues being faced in the organization will be raised in the hierarchical pyramid of the organization. We aim to resolve problems being faced by the employees.

Raise ticket through chat Bot

We assist employees in raising their tickets through the chatbox, allowing them to address their concerns in their own words.

Custom Workflow

We customize the workflow for all employees from approval to bug tracking and support.


We value employee satisfaction, and we believe in providing feedback for each ticket being raised.


We generate reports for the SLA’s, workflows, feedback, and responses encapsulating all the actions performed by the employee.


We act as prompters for the employees higher in the hierarchy to address the tickets raised by the employees. 

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